Rocketboom and Slashdot Naysayers
Just saw rocketboom. These guys (and gal) just rebutted the Slashdot naysayer crowd (who bashed videoblogging) once and for all. (Other rebuttals, are here, here, and here.)
The Slashdot naysayers, particularly as embodied by Chris Wiegel, got me all fired up. For the moment, the quality of rocketboom's vlog (another vote for the word "vlog") is causing me to give up hope of ever becoming a real videoblogger.
They set the bar very high with incredible production values: both video and web. They embody many of the things we've been saying on the videoblogging list. When I recover from the shock, I'll make a long list of everything they are doing right. One critique, though: It seems to not have the individual voice or voices that we have come to value in the blogosphere. I'd like to see Josh Kinsberg and Andrew Baron on camera (hopefully not being arrested), at least a little. It would also be nice to see Amanda Congdon relax and be herself from time to time.
Heya! This is Mica Scalin, a friend of Jay, from vblog Hello? ( You referenced me in this as the first 'here' rebuttal. Just want to encourage you to be inspired and not discouraged by production value or content on another person's videoblog. The point is to have lots of people doing all kinds of things. Playing and experimenting. I like to think of it as the wild west only less dangerous.
Anonymous, at 8:02 AM
oh no..its dangerous...
but you got to do it anyway....
its a fight for survival in a world you didnt create.
Anonymous, at 8:11 AM
Mica, Jay,
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I actually am inspired whenever I see great work, but for a moment (which I captured and 'showed') I was feeling overwhelmed.
Unknown, at 11:20 AM
man, bloggers telling each other they're right. no wonder slashdot thinks it's pants.
Anonymous, at 9:13 AM
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